Sunday, May 17, 2009

Me in Mah Box

I is getting furry big, just like a Maine Coon should. I bets Colby and Fancy are jealous, cause dey are not fancy kittehs like I am. The downside is dat I am havin a hard time finding a box dat I can fit into! Here is a big under-bed box dat is good for a manly, generous size kitteh like me!


♥Mimi♥ said...

We waz just checkin' out sum of dz kitty bloggies an' found youz bloggy. We wantz ya ta knowz dat we fink you haz a kewel bloggy!

Daisy said...

You really are getting real big and manly! And your furs are such a rich orange-y color, too!

Jans Funny Farm said...

I hear you, pal. I have the same problem.

Unknown said...

We iz furry sorry dat our momma skeered youz. She iz reely a furry nice momma and furry gentlez, too. But spay an' neuter iz a reely big deal ta her. She haz volunteered at da shelterz for yeerz an' she haz seen too many kittiez wif no homez.

meemsnyc said...

Oooooh, what a nice box indeed!! Just be careful with the lid.

Mr. Hendrix said...

holy moly! look how big you're getting! Totally mancatly. i hope your mommy gets you more big boxes for you to fit in. boxes are great fun.

my cousin Echo is an orange Maine Coon. i think you'll be as big and handsome as he is!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow you really ARE getting big!!!

Tuck said...

That looks like a perfect box for you!!

Anonymous said...

Cheddar, you are well on the way to becoming a true Big Man Cat. (just the same, you look so cute in that box!)

The Island Cats said...

Welcome back you guys! We've missed you! are getting so big!!! But you do fit well in that must be an extra large box! ;-)

Charlemagne and Tamar said...

Wow - what a handsome guy you are growing into Cheddar! I'm a Maine Coon, too and we get really big. (But we stay sweet, according to my momma.)


I'm posting separately from Charlemagne and you're quite the good looking mancat, Cheddar!


Takie said...

Hello! I think you need to replace that box you need much bigger than that box because you really ARE getting big!!!

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